"Why would
I tell the truth?"
Ask Methos
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Jan 98
Apr 98
Jul 98
Oct 98
Jan 99
Apr 99
Jul 99
Ask Methos
Methos, do you have another name?
Well, if you ask Duncan, my first name is Ohitsjustyou.
For a 5000-year-old fogie, you seem pretty hip (Queen fan, etc.). How
do you manage to stay so young while being so old?

(right) 5000 years ago my angry adolescence in the Bronze Age.
I don't know. I guess after 2000 years or so, you stop paying attention
and start living.
After 5000 years, you must have known some interesting people. For example,
did you know Alexander the Great?
Did I know Alexander The Great? You could say that...
You lived in the time of Jesus Christ. Did He really exist?
Well, He did exist, but contrary to popular belief, His middle name was
not H.
Which is the one place you've been in the 20th century that you hated
with a deep passion and don't care to see again?
That would be the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Which is the one period of the 20th century that you hated with a deep
passion and don't care to see again?
The 20s. Prohibition.
You say you spent centuries losing your conscience. Can you pin down
the century when you realized that you had shaken it completely?
Well, I thought I'd shaken it completely in the 11th century, but bad
habits die hard, and thanks to MacLeod, it occasionally rears its ugly
Methos, where did you originally come from?
My mother.

(right) Maybe my mother was a Greek goddess...
Or my father was Dionysus...
Many of you have written and said, "You don't have a mother." Granted,
like I've said, everything before I took my first head 5000 years ago
is a bit blurry, and I don't remember my mother (and I definitely don't
know who my real mother is) but, as the stork didn't bring me, I'm fairly
sure I did, in some sense, have a mother. Now whether she was a witch,
an alien, a hermaphrodite, or God is beyond my power of recollection.
But thank you for all the tactful "you don't have a mother" comments.
Fortunately, by now, I'm over being sensitive about that.
Methos, you seem to enjoy a good beer and have sampled different ones
through the ages. What do you like best with a good ale?
Shakespeare. After a couple of drinks, it reads better: "Two beers or
not two beers... What was the question?"

(right) I don't always drink beer. Sometimes I have wine...
Do you like the beer today better than the beer however far back you
want to go, or do you think, as I do, that American beer tastes like watered-down
I've never actually had watered-down shit so I can't make that comparison
(but I'll take your word for it since you've apparently had both). At
any rate, I don't drink much American beer. Strictly European. I would
especially recommend Belgian lager, particularly Stella
Artois. Seems a guy named Peter Wingfield did a TV commercial for
that brand once... And yes, beer tastes better today (if you get a good
brew, that is).

You had 68 wives. Did you ever tell any of them that you were Immortal?
I made that mistake once with wife #38. That was painful (in more
ways than one!). Believe me, if you ever have a "significant other," never
tell him or her that you've been married 37 times before.
(left) Alexa Bond, my 68th wife for a short while.
What is all the fuss about your toes?
Well, I sincerely hope that women don't find them the most attractive
part of my anatomy, but I'll take what I can get. I think I'll start walking
barefoot more often.
After all the great music you have lived through, from the ancient Greeks
and their tales to the English bards to the masterpieces created by Beethoven,
Brahms and Chopin, who does a better blues riff? Eric Clapton or Joe?
Really, now. Joe, of course. (He is, in a sense, my boss, after all.)
The questions and answers on this page were originally compiled by Dawn.