Is there a great website out there that I haven't discovered?
Maybe it's yours? Tell me about it!

A thoroughly biased selection of my favorite Methos sites:
Methos Boxer Brigade
A fan group dedicated to Methos'... erm... underwear. This site
has cruise and con pics and transcripts, essays on many aspects
of Methos-ology, and synopses of Methos episodes with tons of
great screen captures (including, of course, pics of the aforementioned
boxers). The site also has lots of screencaps from Peter's non-Highlander
Highlander Page
Devoted to all characters, not just Methos. Has some of the best quality
screen captures around, but visit often as the selection is changed
and updated on a regular basis.
Methosluvr's Methos Page
It was offline for a while but it's back. And with tons of Methos
screen captures from seasons 5-6 of Highlander, plus WAV
files, Highlander publicity photos, and screen caps from
Peter's non-Highlander works Soldier Soldier,
The Men's Room, Crocodile Shoes and Noah's Ark.

Lovely screencaps from the episodes "Methos" to "Forgive
Us Our Trespasses."
'R' Us
Choose from among 22 cute clones of Methos (and several other
Highlander characters).
Troth's Highlander Page
Features sound files from Highlander Eurominutes, and Peter in
Noah's Ark and The Archers as well as con pics, reports
and fanfic.
& Co. Cellar
Visit the Archives for transcripts of Methos' scenes in several episodes.
Methos Image Gallery
Screen captures from "Chivalry" and "Timeless."
Peter's Portrait
Pictures from a private photo session a lucky fan got with Peter
at Anglicon in April '97. Unfortunately, the scans are low-quality,
but Peter still looks pretty cute!

It seems like everyone is on YahooGroups
these days. A search there will bring up lots of lists, but here
are some of the more active ones:
For Methos Series
A forum for fans to organize a campaign for a live-action Methos
TV series.
Discussions about Methos and fan fiction. Slash friendly. Must
be a member to view posts. This list also has a web
From the discription on the site: "This list is for disscussion
of Methos, Highlander: The Series, Methos, Methos fanfic,
Methos, Highlander fanfic, Methos, the Horsemen, and did
I mention Methos?" Posts are publicly archived.
Peter Wingfield Appreciation Guild
Discussions on Peter's career. Posts are publicly archived.
Wingfield list
Originally started to discuss the series Cold Squad, but
is now a general Peter Wingfield list. Adult list. Must be a member
to view posts.
A web board, not a mailing list.

Peter Wingfield Fan Club
Peter's official fan club.
Unofficial Peter Wingfield
Appreciation Guild (UPWAG)
Another fan organization.
Self-explanatory! A group of Methos-lovers who support each other in
fan-related creative endeavors (e.g. fanfic).
AOL fans of blue-faced Methos.
New name and site for Casa de Methos.

The Official Site
Maintained by Davis/Panzer, the company that produces Highlander:
The Series. Includes information on the series (including
Raven) and the movies, and the official Highlander
Alternative place for getting official Highlander merchandise.
They carry lots more than what's on their website so phone and
ask about anything you don't see on the site.
Website for Roger Bellon, Highlander series composer. The
Highlander - A Celtic Opera CD recounts a brand-new Duncan
MacLeod adventure, completely in song.
Queen of Swords
Official site for the new TV series.
Queen of Swords site
Has some gorgeous pictures of Dr. Helm!

Adrian Paul site at
Adrian goes corporate. This is the new "professional" home
for Adrian's official fan club, PEACE. Beware. They kill you with useless
Flash animations. But at least they have nice pics.
Jim Byrnes
Fan Club
Jim's official fan club.
Jim Byrnes Appreciation
A wonderful and very thorough website dedicated to all aspects of Jim's
career, both on screen and in music. Includes screen captures and sound
bites of dialogue and music.
Stan Kirsch's
Official Website
Elizabeth Gracen's Official Website
the useless Flash intro unless you're really into butterflies. Once inside,
it's elegant and beautiful (much like Elizabeth!) and Elizabeth writes
a lot of the content herself.
Valentine Pelka Fan Club
Valentine's official fan club. The club also runs a mailing list that
is open to both members and non-members.
of Richard Ridings (Silas)
Official fan club for Richard.
Richard Ridings Web Page
Testory Appreciation Society (Caspian)
Official fan club for Marcus Testory.
An environmental organization created by Marcus Testory's band M.E.L.T.
(Mother Earth Love Truth).
Anthony De Longis'
Official Website
Anthony played Otavio Consone in the episode "Duende." Learn
more about Anthony, his "action" classes, his fan club or
drop him an e-mail.
Gillian Horvath's
Gillian is a former Highlander writer who has also written
for Baywatch and Xena: Warrior Princess.

The Series
A fantastic general info site. There's the usual stuff on the
cast and characters, but also info on guest stars and merchandise
(books, CDs, videos, cards); a date/location timeline for Duncan,
Methos, Amanda and Fitz; an episode guide; lyrics to songs featured
in Highlander; trivia; conventions; links; and mini-sites
on the animated series, The Raven and The Methos Chronicles.
Fan Central
Unoffical but they are in contact with Highlander producers.
The Legend Continues Audio Drama
The series continues... unofficially. Download MP3s of this fan-created
radio play.
Can Only Be One
Features "Episode of the Week" (a review of past episodes
with pics), a desktop calendar with a great HL photo to download
each month, and a fantastic Four Horseman screensaver. This site
also has sixth season Paris set pics (taken when the fan saw filming
during his visit to Paris).
Highlander Transcripts
Transcripts and detailed synopses for several Highlander
Highlander Timeline
Starts in 1518, when Connor was born, goes through the end of
the sixth season and includes dates from the show, the calendar,
the Watchers CD-ROM and the novels, all annotated so you can ignore
whatever you don't consider canon.
Highlander Watcher Chronicles
A huge Watchers database of known Immortals names, pics, bios.
Has not been updated in ages, but still has lots of info.
The Highlander
Sword Shopper's Guide
Everything you would ever want to know about Highlander
swords, where to find the best replicas and how to spot cheap
knockoffs. Also check out this site for tons of spoof photos.
See Duncan team up with Mr. Bean. See Duncan battle Barney the
purple dinosaur. See lots of mock magazine covers featuring the
Highlander men in sexy attire (or lack of attire...).
Screencaps and info from Highlander, organized by location
(e.g. Dojo in Seacouver, Barge in Paris).
& Kathi's Excellent Adventure
Two fans go to Vancouver and scout out Highlander filming
Thistle and Joe Virtual Scottish Pub
Come on in and grab a beer. This site has a ton of links related
to Highlander (and others not related, but still amusing).
Highlander gaming
Description from the webmaster: "Role play Highlander!
Partake in trivia, contests, and more!"
Do you play the computer game The Sims? Would you like to turn
your Sims into Highlander characters? A fan has created
skins for the game of all major Highlander characters,
including Methos!
Sims Page
More Highlander Sims. Includes Sims of Methos with short
hair, Methos with medium-length hair, Bronze Age Methos, Connor,
Joe, Duncan with loose hair, Duncan with ponytail, Amanda and
Richie. There are also Sims of Valentine Pelka (Kronos) and Marcus
Testory (Caspian) the actors, not their characters
trenchcoats for Sims to hide their swords in, and furniture for
Duncan's loft. But someone needs to tell Pookkah to get Methos
out of that blue plaid shirt!
Highlander articles
and magic are eternal
Interview with David Abramowitz, Highlander's Creative Consultant (head
writer) on the Romance Reader site. The interview is also
located here.
Final Fling
A fan posted the text of this retrospective on Highlander's
six seasons which originally appeared in Dreamwatch magazine.
Queen of Swords fan sites
of Swords Fan Central
From the folks who bring you Highlander
Fan Central.
Boxer Brigade's Queen of Swords
Updated regularly with QoS news. Includes a station guide.
Dr. Helm site with quotes, synopses and fan fiction.
Helm Whack Tracker
Where I lovingly note how many times the Queen of Swords' favorite
whipping boy has been whacked, slapped, socked, punched... er,
you get the idea...
of Swords
YahooGroups mailing list. Discussions on the series, but there's
a large contingent of Peter Wingfield fans on the list.
the Helm
YahooGroups mailing list. Discussions about Peter's Queen of Swords
character, Dr. Robert Helm.

For information on cons Peter is attending and links to websites
with con reports and pics, see the Conventions page on the Peter
Wingfield website.

Lots and lots of links, organized by categorgy (actors, characters,
etc.) and updated regularly.
Web Ring Index
Handy listing of all the sites on the Highlander web ring.
Unofficial Highlander
WWW, FTP and HLFIC-L Archive Site
Just what it says!

& Co.
Take a virtual tour of the real store in Paris.
The Wingfield Family
Not a Highlander or Peter Wingfield page. Just a curiosity
I was amazed that there is actually an organization for people with
that last name! And with their own domain name too!
Clan MacLeod
Another family history site this time from the real Clan
- Ring of the Dolphin
Music group Cusco has a song called "Methos" on their
Ring of the Dolphin CD. An MP3 excerpt of the song is available.
And what does this ode to our ROG sound like? Bland New Age music
Maintenance Management Information System
Perhaps the most bizarre reference to our favorite Immortal
IBM mainframe software! They actually claim: "Whether
you currently know a lot about or are looking for information on
METHOS, see what we have to offer. Most people don't know the
first thing about METHOS. We do." Even more insulting, they trademarked the name METHOS.
How dare they! Then again, in "The Messenger" Methos
did say about his name: "Well, it's not like it's got a patent
or anything."