[Buzz. Cassandra enters.]
Cassandra: [to Methos] You?!
Methos: Who's this?
[Cassandra draws her sword.]
Cassandra: Draw your sword.
Methos: MacLeod, who is she?
Duncan: Cassandra, what are you doing?
Cassandra: Stay out of this, MacLeod.
Methos: You don't know me.
Cassandra: Do you think I could ever forget you?

[Flashback: Bronze Age, Horsemen's camp.]
Methos: Surprise, you're not dead. Your kind is hard to
[Cassandra tries to stab him. He grabs her.]
Methos: You'll have to try harder than that.
Cassandra: Where are they? Hijad. My people. Take me to
Methos: You wanna see them?
Cassandra: Yes.
Methos: There they are. [Points to skinned skulls.]
Cassandra: You killed them? All of them?
Methos: Including you. [Indicates her torn shirt.]
Cassandra: The wound, it's gone. I should be dead.
Methos: You live because I wish it. And you stay alive as
long as you please me.
[Cassandra slaps him when he brushes her hair back.]
Methos: That did not please me. I
am Methos. You live to serve me. Never forget that. [Slaps her
thigh like she's a piece of meat.]

[Flashback continued: Horsemen's camp.]
Silas: It's mine! It belongs to me!
Caspian: It belongs to whoever can take it.
Silas: I saw it first.
Caspian: I fought as well as you. I killed more people.
Silas: Women and children don't count.
Caspian: I'll kill you just as well.
Methos: Lay it down, Caspian!
Caspian: Why should I?
[Methos holds sword to Caspian's neck.]
Methos: Because if you do not, I will kill you. Trust me,
if I have to lose one, it will be you.
[Kronos approaches.]
Silas: Kronos.
Kronos: Problems?
Methos: Not anymore.
Kronos: Well, there's one way to make sure. Lift it.
[Silas and Caspian hold up the sheet. Kronos slices it in half
with his sword.]
Kronos: We share everything.

[Flashback continued: Horsemen's camp. Methos catches Cassandra
trying to escape.]
Methos: You died once today. Did you enjoy that? Well, learn
this lesson well: I will kill you as many times as it takes to tame

[At the dojo.]
Methos: This is crazy. It wasn't me, MacLeod. Do something.
Cassandra: This is between you and me, Methos.
[Duncan grabs Cassandra.]
Duncan: Get out of here. Now!
Cassandra: Let go of me! Let go of me!
Duncan: Go!
[Methos runs away.]

[Kronos' hideout.]
Kronos: So. You're back.
Methos: [nervous smile] What do you think I'd do? Run and
hide? Go somewhere you couldn't find me?
Kronos: No, you're too smart for that. You know that I'd
track you down, no matter how long it took, and I'd kill you.
Methos: Well, it's nice to feel wanted.
Kronos: Not want!
[Methos jumps.]
Kronos: Need. A dozen times I tried to take up the old ways.
I failed. The others I rode with were trash. Scum. I had no one
to plan my raids, no one who understood the true use of terror.
You are one of a kind, Methos. As we all were. There was never a
band like us. Never in all history.
Methos: You took a risk letting me out of your sight earlier
on today. [Takes sword out.]
Kronos: A lot of time has passed since we rode together.
I had to be sure of you.
[Methos swings at Kronos, but Kronos puts a knife to his throat
first. Methos lets go of the sword and steps back.]
Kronos: And now I am.
Methos: Don't you understand?! I'm not like that anymore.
I've changed.
Kronos: No, you pretended to. Maybe you even convinced yourself
you had. But inside you're still there, Methos. You're like me.
Methos: Not anymore.
Kronos: No? Tell me you haven't missed it.
Methos: The killing?!
Kronos: The freedom! The power! Riding out of the sun knowing
that you're the most terrifying thing that they've ever seen. Knowing
that their weapons and their gods are useless against you. That
you're the last thing they'll ever see. That's what you were meant
to be, Methos. Don't fight it. Feel it. I'm going to do you a favor.
You know Cassandra's here.
Methos: We didn't exactly exchange gifts.
Kronos: Then you know that she'll kill you if she gets the
[Methos nods.]
Kronos: You never could bring yourself to take her head,
could you? So I'm going to do it for you.
Methos: And in return?
Kronos: You kill Duncan MacLeod.
Methos: But he's my friend. He's nothing to you. Why?
Kronos: Why?! Because he's your friend. Because you still have
to prove yourself. And because YOU OWE ME! [Takes out a knife, cuts
his hand, then gives the knife to Methos.] Now swear, swear you
will kill MacLeod.
[Methos slices his palm and puts it against Kronos'.]
Methos: I swear.

[Outside. Methos is tossing luggage into his 4x4's trunk. Right-click
on the following link and select "Save As" to download
a 783 KB zipped WAV file of this
Duncan: Going somewhere?
Methos: You shouldn't be here.
Duncan: Where are you running from? The question or the
Methos: There is no answer, MacLeod. Let it be.
Duncan: Is what she said true?
Methos: I'm outta here.
Duncan: No, you're not. You're not outta here. Is what she
said true?
Methos: [pause] The times were different, MacLeod. I was
different. The whole bloody world was different, okay?
Duncan: [pause] Did you kill all those people?
Methos: Yes. Is that what you wanna hear? Killing was all
I knew. Is that what you want to hear?
Duncan: That's enough.
[Methos throws Duncan against the 4x4.]
Methos: No, it's not enough! I killed. But I didn't just
kill fifty, I didn't kill a hundred. I killed a thousand. I killed
ten thousand. And I was good at it. And it wasn't for vengeance.
It wasn't for greed. It was because I liked it. [giggle]
Cassandra was nothing. Her village was nothing. Do you know who
I was? I was Death.
[Methos laughs. Duncan throws him against the 4x4.]
Methos: Death Death on a horse. When mothers warned
their children that the monster would get them, that monster was
me. I was the nightmare that kept them awake at night. Is that what
you want to hear? The answer is yes, oh yes.
Duncan: We're through.
