The following excerpts are from the flashback that Methos relates
to Duncan in the Elysium church:

A few pavilions on bluffs by the sea.
The Four Horsemen ride in, fresh from battle, blood on their swords
and on their leather armor. They've brought booty back to their
camp with them, including a few frightened captive women.
Silas and Caspian, flushed with the charge of battle, strip off
masks and armor and wash off the day's dust and gore in a small
stream. Kronos looks on, the proud leader. He turns to Methos.
Kronos: Another day well spent. Come, let's celebrate. (With
a grin, Kronos looks over at the cowering captive women.) And devide
our bounty.
Methos: You can have my share. I'm tired.
Methos nods good night, then turns and heads for his pavilion.
Kronos looks after him thoughtfully.
INSIDE the Pavilion.
Methos enters tiredly. Cassandra rises from the shadows and comes
to him. It's a different Cassandra than we have seen in the other
flashbacks. She is calm, submissive, dressed seductively. She carries
a brass goblet. He takes it from her and takes a deep swallow.
Methos: (re the wine) It's good.
Cassandra: I cooled it in the river. (She takes his cloak
and his sword, puts them aside, then reaches to unbuckle his leather
armor.) You rode far.
He sighs tiredly as the armor comes off.
Methos: Yes.
He settles back on the cushions as Cassandra gently washes off
the mud and blood of the field, anointing his body with exotic oils.
He draws her closer and begins to carress her gently. As he starts
to remove her gown
The flap of the tent is flung open. Kronos steps into the tent.
Cassandra hastily pulls her robe closed, flushing under Kronos'
hungry stare. With a smile, Kronos turns to Methos.

Cassandra retreats behind Methos, expecting him to defend her,
to refuse Kronos' demand.
Cassandra: Methos... send him away.
Kronos laughs and moves closer.
Kronos: You've left some spirit in her, Methos. I like that...
After I finish, maybe I'll let Caspian have her.
Kronos reaches and grabs Cassandra and pulls her from behind Methos.
Methos doesn't help or hinder Kronos, but merely steps aside and
lets him take hold of Cassandra.
Cassandra: (in shock and terror) Methos!
No reaction.
Cassandra screams and struggles as Kronos drags her out of the
tent. Her face is washed with terror and betrayal.
HOLD ON Methos as he stares after them for a beat, face unreadable.
Then, he takes a piece of fruit, and rolls it over in his hand

The following scenes were scripted and filmed, but didn't make
the final cut of "Revelation 6:8." Peter Wingfield has suggested
(with much dread!) that the flasback might be included in a special
compilation video of "Comes a Horseman" and "Revelation 6:8" that
is being put together.
These scenes occured towards the end of the episode when Methos
and Kronos are looking down at Cassandra's cage. The submarine base
is referred to as a "chateau" since Kronos' hideout was originally
supposed to be a castle by the sea. However, when Highlander
location scouts found an abandoned submarine base, a decision was
quickly made to change the script!

Kronos: You can't out-think me, Methos, and you can't out-fight
me. And you sure as hell can't kill me.
Methos: [murmurs] You think so.
Kronos: You had your shot and you couldn't take it.

Flashback to Ancient Greece. Methos looks at a dead Greek as Kronos
rifles through the body of another.
Kronos: Methos the scholar? That's a good one, brother.
Methos: I'm serious. It's what I want to do. Study and learn.
Kronos: What for? What have you got to learn?
Methos: Most everything, it seems. About the world. About
myself. About who we are.
Kronos: I can tell you who we are.
Methos: Can you?
Kronos: I'm Kronos. I always have been, and I always will
be. And you're just like me. We are who we are, and that's more
than enough.
Methos: Not for me. Those who don't learn from their mistakes,
repeat them.
Kronos: We don't make mistakes. We make history. Pour me
another drink and have one yourself. You're getting too damned serious
for your own good. You're turning into a Greek.
Methos pours Kronos more wine and, in a life-defining moment, slips
in some poison from a ring.
Methos: Thank you.
Methos hands him his wine. Kronos drains it.
Kronos: Just don't forget what you really are.
Methos: I never forget what I am. The more I learn, the
more aware I become.
Methos stands.
Kronos: Where do you think you are going?
Methos: That's what I've been trying to tell you. I'm finished
riding with you.
Kronos: The hell you are! Sit down!
Methos doesn't.
Kronos: Don't make me say it again.
Methos: You don't need me.
Kronos: There are four Horsemen. There always will be.
Methos: Find another to take my place.
Kronos: Impossible. We are four brothers. The blood we spill
binds us; only blood can separate us.
Methos doesn't move.
Kronos: Don't you understand, Methos? The only way to leave
the Horsemen... is by leaving your head.
Methos shakes his head sadly.
Methos: I was afraid you might see it that way.

Kronos stands and draws his sword, making ready to force Methos
into a fight. Methos draws his sword, steps back.
Kronos: Fight me, and don't think you'll live to learn anything
from it.
Kronos steps forward. He wavers on his feet, vision blurring, swordarm
Kronos: The wine...
Methos: A little something I came across in my studies.
That potion would kill most people. It will stop even you.
Kronos croaks. Methos considers taking his head.

Still Ancient Greece. Methos is pounding in the hinges on the grate
that covers the well from which we saw Kronos escaping at the beginning
of the previous episode. [Obviously another cut scene, this time
from "Comes a Horseman."]
Kronos: Traitor! Coward! Fight me!
Methos: Why would I do that? I've already beaten you.
Kronos: The hell you have! Your head is mine! Your life
is mine!
Methos makes no answer, just slams the massive bolt home.

The massive, ancient, rusted bolt that held Kronos in his prison.
He tossess the bolt onto the table in front of Methos.
Kronos: So you had your thousand years of study, while I
had a thousand years of crusts of bread flung to me by the priests
you left.
Kronos' tone is pleasant, but the undercurrent is dangerous.
Kronos: I wonder what your friend MacLeod thinks of you