[At Joe's bar.]
Joe: [to Methos] Nine innings. Two halves to each inning.
Three outs for each half-inning, played at a nice leisurely pace.
Baseball it's like, I don't know, it's like meditation.
Alexa: Three beers.
Joe: Okay, comin' up.
Methos: [to Alexa] Excuse me, if I sat at a table, would
you be my waitress?
Alexa: [to Joe] Is he a good tipper?
Joe: [smiles] No.
Alexa: Well, too bad. Makes up for it being cute though.
[Steps away to serve a customer.]
Methos: [to Joe] Cute. I can
do cute.
[Alexa returns. Methos holds out his hand for a handshake.]
Methos: I'm, uh, Adam Pierson.
Alexa: Where're you from?
Methos: Um...
Alexa: Your accent. You're not from here.
Methos: No, I've travelled a lot.
Alexa: Really? Paris.
Methos: Paris is too full of Parisians. Even the French
don't like Paris.
Alexa: Venice.
Methos: Venice, the smell alone will kill you.
Alexa: You're young to be so cynical, aren't you?
Methos: Uh, if you say so.
Alexa: I just did. [Walks away.]
Methos: What did I say?
Joe: Ah, forget it. Alexa's not your type, okay?

[Still at Joe's bar. Claudia and Joe are playing blues on stage.]
Methos: [to Duncan] How long have you known her?
Duncan: Since she was 14. She was living with a foster family.
They were pretty poor and intimidated that they had a prodigy in
their midst.
Methos: And does she know
Duncan: That she's one of us? Doesn't have a clue. Somebody
does, though.
Methos: What?
Duncan: Someone's tried to kill her. The recital hall. Then
again a few minutes ago.
Methos: Who'd want her dead before her time?
Duncan: I don't know.

[At Duncan's loft.]
Methos: Alexa. You see, even her name is beautiful. There
was something, you know. There's a There's a spark. I wonder
if she felt it? I mean I I don't want to make a fool of myself.
You ever feel like that?
Duncan: [smiling to himself] Couple of times. I don't see
what the problem is.
Methos: What if she doesn't like me?
Duncan: What if she does? What am I going to tell her [Claudia]?
Methos: How about the truth? At least then she'd know what
she's facing.
Duncan: Yeah. It'd be nice if she had a semblance of a normal
life. Once she finds out what she is, that becomes impossible.
Methos: You can't keep her here forever.
Claudia: Duncan, I'm tired and I'm bored of being locked
up in this dump. No offense.
Duncan: None taken.
Claudia: Why don't we go out for a drink or something?
Duncan: Yeah, a drink we can do.
Claudia: Really?
Duncan: Yeah.
Claudia: Oh, let's go to Bonatelli's. Would you call them
and have them hold my table? And, uh, your friend can come along
if he'd like.
Methos: Uh, no thank you. I have other plans.
Claudia: Seriously?
Methos: Totally.
Claudia: Really?
Methos: Absolutely.

[At Joe's bar.]
Alexa: Sorry, Joe.
Joe: No problem. It's all right. How'd it go?
Alexa: It's not getting any easier, if that's what you mean.
Joe: Wish there was something I could do for ya. Oh yeah,
you, uh, you have a customer waiting.
[Joe motions to Methos, who's sitting at a table. Alexa approaches
Alexa: Well, either you like to drink or you're crazy about
the blues.
Methos: No, I was waiting for you. You see, I leave you
speechless. This is an excellent start.
Alexa: Start to what?
Methos: To dinner, a film,
a concert, a smile, a sunset, a walk, ah, all of the above, whatever
you would like.
Alexa: [giggle] Do women really fall for that line?
Methos: I have no idea. I've never used it before.
Alexa: Never is a really long time.
Methos: Well, to the best of my recollection.
Alexa: I'm waiting.
Methos: I'll have a draft beer, please.
Alexa: One draft beer.
Joe: [calls out from the bar] Yeah, I got it.