The timeline contains events (and, needless to say, SPOILERS) from the
following sources:
c 3500 BCE
Beginning of Egyptian civilization.
3469 BCE
Methuselah is born.
3300 BCE
Mesopotamia - Sumerians invent writing. I've been keeping a journal
almost since writing began.
3282 BCE
Noah's father Lamech is born.
c 3110-2884 BCE
Dynasty 1 in Egypt.
c 3000 BCE
grew up, the second son of three boys and two girls, in an oasis
village, surrounded by the deserts of what would later be Egypt.
My family had made their home in the oasis for over 100 years. My
father claimed a vague relation to an extinct royal court. My mother
had descended from a line of traders who had settled in the area
when she was just a baby. In the shade of fig trees and palms, my
family made its living barterting with the traders who pass through
the oasis.
I was 28 years old, our oasis began to run dry. My family decided
to migrate to another oasis, but on the way a sandstorm trapped
and killed us. This was my first death, though I didn't realize
it at the time.
Bedouin scouting party found and revived me. I stayed with them
for many years, learning the ways of the desert and how to find
water and food, until it became obvious that I wasn't growing older.
They thought I was a god or a demon both of which were unwanted
in their home so they forced me to fight their best warrior
to the death. This was the second time I died.
I revived again the next morning, they tied my hands and banished
me to the desert with no weapons or water. I stumbled upon a pile
of bones and used them to cut my bindings.
("The Methos Chronicles"/Evening
at Joe's)

Petra - I was there before Indiana Jones and his dad.
c 3000 BCE
- I travel to a hidden settlement that would later be called Petra
and settle with the Nabataeans
who camped there. I live there many years and learn to carve out
caves from the stone walls that protected the camp's location. When
it becomes apparent that I'm not aging, I know it's time to move
("The Methos Chronicles"/Evening
at Joe's)
c 3000 BCE
took my first head. Before that everything starts to blur
or so I tell MacLeod.
c 3000 BCE
- I lived in the desert, married to a beautiful nomad girl. Then,
in what has come to be known as the Smiting of Sinai, the Egyptian
Pharaoh Djer orders the slaughter of all nomads. My wife is killed
when Egyptian soldiers attack our tribe. Distraught, I wander the
desert for months until I'm caught stealing figs and brought before
the Pharaoh.
is Immortal, but instead of punishing me, he makes me his protegé.
He plans for me to be his successor. I plan to avenge my wife's
bide my time until one night, when Djer is sleeping, I creep outside
the window of his bedchamber and shoot him with a poison dart. Before
he revives, I bind him in burial wrappings and place him in a sarcophagus,
dooming him to spend eternity as a mummy.
next morning, I become the new Pharaoh of Egypt.
(The Methos Chronicles, Flash animated

I practice some ancient first aid skills on the Pharaoh Djer.
c 2900 BCE
- Egyptians start using hieroglyphics, and so do I.

My name (Methos) in hieroglyphics
2575-2551 BCE
Dynasty 4, Old Kingdom - Snefru, ruler of Egypt, perfects pyramid

Pyramids of Giza
- I spend some time in Egypt during their pyramid-building years.
(Captive Soul)
c 2500 BCE
grandson, Noah, has the Methuselah Stone.
(Methuselah's Gift)

Noah and his pets
2409 BCE
Tzu the Immortal is "born."
("The Methos Chronicles"/Evening
at Joe's)
c 2400 BCE
is when I really took my first head, not 5000 years ago as I told
MacLeod. So I was rounding off give me a break! What's 600
years' difference when you're 5000?
was 603 years old (by my best estimation) when I noticed that some
of the people I met gave off a unique feeling I could sense
their presence. One of them, Elijah, spoke of a man named Menahem
who told tales of others like us who died at least once and returned
from the dead.
once met a women who told of seeing a man like us fall from a such
great height that his head was ripped from his body. She waited
for him to return to life, but he didn't. Menahem also met others
like us who inspired great anger in him so much that he wanted
to kill them even though he had just met them.
lived for 750 years and eventually we called him one of the Ancient
("The Methos Chronicles"/Evening
at Joe's)
c 2400 BCE
the time, I had begun to resent mortals for their fear and prefer
the company of other Immortals. I had fought with some Immortals,
but the battles always ended with their death. My first real battle
with another Immortal was with a particularly unlikeable guy named
Joseph. Remembering Menahem's story, I deliberately swung my sword
at Joseph's neck.
his beheading, I felt a great trembling around me. A mysterious
wind grabbed me and threw me to the ground. My mind was filled with
visions of places I had never been and people I had never known.
I thought I was hexed by some sort of magic or sorcery. I wandered
to an inland sea, trying to understand what had happened. It was
a while before I beheaded someone again.
("The Methos Chronicles"/Evening
at Joe's)
c 2400 BCE-2100 BCE
meet Kronos and his friend Silas, who share my distaste for mortals.
Caspian is the last to join our band. Silas has an idea to use our
power to wreak havoc among mortals. We become known as the Four
Horsemen and rule the countyside for several hundred years.
one of our raids we encounter an Immortal living in a small village
with mortals who had accepted him despite his inability to age.
Kronos takes his head. This is the first I know of someone besides
me intentionally receiving a Quickening. After this, Silas and Caspian
hunger to experience it for themselves. Fearing their betrayal,
I strike out on my own, avoiding contact with Immortals for the
next few years.
("The Methos Chronicles"/Evening
at Joe's)
c 2100 BCE
Mesopotamia - I lived in the city of Ur
of the Chaldeans around the time of Ur-Nammu, king of Sumer
and Akkad (2112-2095). There I became friends with a 100-year-old
Immortal named Abraham. We worked together for several years on
many of the king's construction projects, sharing what knowledge
we had of Immortals. From time to time, we met and fought other
("The Methos Chronicles"/Evening
at Joe's)
c 2000 BCE
the Akkadian sees Gilgamesh come back to life and subsequently creates
the Watchers.
c 2000 BCE
- Sun Tzu the Immortal enters a Tibetan monastery.
("The Methos Chronicles"/Evening
at Joe's)
c 1994-1523 BCE
Hsia Dynasty - Beginning of Chinese civilization.
c 1664 BCE
- I do Pharaoh Merneferre Ay (1664-1641) a favor, solve a political
dispute or two, and get a royal medallion as a reward.
(Captive Soul)
c 1664-1573 BCE
- I spend about a hundred years wandering this island and enjoying
its good beer, friendly women and intriguing henge monuments. Hated
the abysmally chill, dank weather though. During that time I try
to groom the brooding young Prince Amar for future kingship but
when the crops fail, Amar sacrifices himself.
(Captive Soul)
c 1573 BCE
- On the way from Albion to Egypt, Western Bird, the Levantine ship
I'm travelling on, puts in at Malta. The women there are friendly
too when it pleases them to be.
(Captive Soul)
1573-1570 BCE
- I help future pharaohs Kamose and his brother Ahmose in their
battle against sadistic Hyksos overlords. I also face the Immortal
Hyksos prince Khyan, but fail to take his head.
(Captive Soul)
c 1570 BCE
Mesopotamia - When I was around 1380 years old, a 100-year-old Immortal
named Joshua came hunting for Abraham's head. Their fight outside
the city walls eventually approached the boundary of an old burial
ground. I felt this strong sense of dread. I knew Abraham felt it
too, because he started to edge away from the boundary. When he
stumbled, Joshua struck, but the moment his blade touched Abraham's
neck, it stopped and fell to the ground. Joshua vanished as though
he had never been there.
("The Methos Chronicles"/Evening
at Joe's)
c 1300 BCE
Beginning of Hellenic (Ancient Greek) civilization.
c 1200 BCE
Turkey - I see Helen of Troy. She doesn't have that great a face,
and it only launches a hundred ships, not a thousand.
(Comes a Horseman)

Likeness of Helen of Troy
c 1200 BCE
Watchers estimate the birthdates for Kronos, Caspian and Silas as
1200 BCE, but admit they may have been around earlier.
(Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
c 1000 BCE
Age - I ride with Kronos, Silas and Caspian as one of the Four Horsemen
of the Apocalypse.
(Comes a Horseman)
c 1000 BCE
pre-Immortal Cassandra is taken in by a nomadic Bedouin tribe.
(Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
c 1000 BCE
Greece - I win a foot race or two and the Ancient Greeks carve a
lifesize marble statue of me crowned with laurel leaves.
("Postcards from Alexa: Postcards
from Athens"/Evening at Joe's)
c 904 BCE
1300 years of life, the Immortal Abraham dies. I make my way to
Jerusalem to enjoy the anonymity of a big city and get employment
as a master stone cutter.
("The Methos Chronicles"/Evening
at Joe's)
c 904 BCE
- I learn about the Watchers after overhearing a group of people
discussing some Immortal names that I recognize. When I show interest
in their conversation, they invite me to one of their meetings.
There I meet Ruth tall, lovely, opinionated and outspoken.
She had taught herself to read and write, skills that many men found
off-putting in a woman.
tell them my name was Alexander so I wouldn't be recognized as an
Immortal. Later on, I learn that my low profile had paid dividends
Methos is virtually unknown in their records, mentioned only
in passing.
("The Methos Chronicles"/Evening
at Joe's)
904 BCE
- I share the secret of my immortality with Ruth, only to find that
she had already suspected the truth. She had seen something in my
eyes that gave me away. We get married soon after. When I'm unable
to father a child with Ruth, I realize that I've never actually
heard of an Immortal man or woman having children.
the Watchers' records, I confirm that though Immortals can't have
children, there's not yet a finite number of Immortals. I learn
about Quickenings, the Game and the Prize.
Watchers begin to grow in membership and reach. Several smaller
factions begin to form. Most support the official policy that Immortals
should be watched in order to positively influence the outcome of
the Game and protect humanity from outcomes like the abuses of the
Horsemen. Some renegrade groups, however, think all Immortals are
abominations and not worthy of any life.
quit my building job to devote myself full-time to the Watchers.
("The Methos Chronicles"/Evening
at Joe's)
c 900 BCE
- Kronos finds me as he's passing through the city and unimaginatively
resorts to blackmail he will leave Ruth and I alone in exchange
for us giving him information about the Watchers. On the day of
the exchange, Kronos instead challenges me to a fight. I almost
take his head but Ruth and a group of Watchers intervene and capture
Kronos. They plan to take him to an underground chamber that was
part of an ancient prison and trap him there for eternity.
disappointed in Ruth for knowingly marrying an Immortal, they don't
turn us in because I'm not a danger to them and it would upset the
entire organization. Ruth and I leave the city on an extended "assignment."
("The Methos Chronicles"/Evening
at Joe's)
852 BCE
dies. I go to Tibet to learn about the spiritual side of existence.
I begin as a helper in a monastery, cutting wood and hauling water
in service to the monks. I get the opportunity to learn their written
language and read their books.
proving to them that I'm here to study and I'm not looking for quick
answers, the monks agree to train me. It's like being in the military,
with physical exertion and plenty of weapons training. My master
Lin Chi teaches me how to read people's intentions by the way they
carry themselves.
("The Methos Chronicles"/Evening
at Joe's)
c 832 BCE
- After 20 years of seeking the truths, Lin Chi tells me that the
time has come for me to study with his master. His master turns
out to be a 1577-year-old Immortal, Sun
Tzu. I'm his first Immortal student. Sun Tzu had lived here
this long by pretending to be a different person drawn from the
ranks of the monks every 50 years. He believes in a benefic Creator
who would never allow a tyrant to win the Prize. I spend many years
training physically and mentally with Sun Tzu.
("The Methos Chronicles"/Evening
at Joe's)
c 800 BCE
- Li Quan, the keeper of the temple, dies. He's replaced by Wang
Xi. Sun Tzu tells Lin Chi, now approaching 80 years, the truth about
our immortality.
Tzu teaches me to become a philosopher warrior, to find balance
between my soul and mind. Wang Xi teaches me the fighting style
of his native region.
("The Methos Chronicles"/Evening
at Joe's)
c 706 BCE
- After calling the temple home for 126 years, Sun Tzu says it's
time for me to return to the world and apply all that I've absorbed.
I am 2271 years old.
("The Methos Chronicles"/Evening
at Joe's)
c 700 BCE
begin to use Ancient Greek in my journal.
470-399 BCE
- Was a friend of Socrates, teacher of Plato.
A couple things he said:
- I was afraid that by observing objects with my eyes and trying
to comprehend them with each of my other senses I might blind
my soul altogether.
- Let him that would move the world, first move himself.

Socrates said the best, greatest love can only be made by the soul
but everyone knew he was ugliest man in Athens.
c 400 BCE
Four Horsemen break up according to what Duncan tells Joe
(like he would know).
(Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
372-289 BCE
- Knew Mencius,
Chinese philosopher and student of Confucius (551-479 BC).
Some nuggets of wisdom he passed on to us are:
- Friendship is one mind in two bodies.
- The great man is he who has not lost his child's heart.
- Kindly words do not enter so deeply into men as a reputation
for kindness.
238 BCE
Rome, which has been in existence since 745 BCE, starts to conquer
Italy and expand building the Roman Republic.
100-44 BCE
- Knew Julius Caesar's favorite food no, it wasn't salad
and shared the stage with him once.
(Methos, Comes a Horseman)
He wouldn't shut up either:
- I came, I saw, I conquered.
- As a rule, men worry more about what they can't see than about
what they can.
- All bad precedents began as justifiable measures.
- If you must break the law, do it to seize power. In all other
cases observe it.
- I have lived long enough both in years and in accomplishments.

Julius Caesar

Likeness of Cleopatra
74 BCE
- Contrary to the Watcher Chronicles, it's really that snivelling
weasel Marcus Aedilies and not Peter Gaicus (the greatest swordsman
in Rome) who takes the head of Titus Marconus. And Aedilies kills
Marconus in a vomitorium, not outside the Forum. I had a tidy little
sum wagered on Marconus too. I was hoping to use my winnings to
buy a summer place outside Herculaneum.
(To Be)
69-30 BCE
- Knew Egyptian queen Cleopatra.
27 BCE
Roman Republic collapses. Beginning of the Roman Empire.