The timeline contains events (and, needless to say, SPOILERS) from the
following sources:
Feb 1995
is diagnosed with an inoperative cancer. She quits college three
credits shy of getting her teaching credentials to become a part-time
waitress at Joe's Bar in order to accommodate her treatments.
(Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
25 Feb 1995
Watchers issue a bulletin requesting all field agents to be on active
alert for Kalas.
(Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
6 March 1995
France - I introduce myself to Duncan MacLeod after finding out
that Kalas killed my friend, Watcher Donald Salzer.

Jilly and I
to one of Duncan's hallucinations, I fall in love with a Watcher
named Jillian O'Hara and tell her of my immortality soon after.
(Not to Be, Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
29 May 1995
France - Kalas kills Don's wife Christine and gets a hold of the
Watcher database that Don and I were working on. Kalas threatens
to expose Immortals to the world.
(Finale Part 2, Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)

Joe and I
3 June 1995
France - Duncan beheads Kalas atop the Eiffel Tower.
(Finale Part 2, Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
5 June 1995
Martin Matthews is added to the Hall of Martyrs for his death at
Kalas' hands after following him back to his hideout. The Watcher
policy manual is updated on the proper use of cellular phones in
the field.
(Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)

Taking Kristin's quickening
25 Oct 1995
Washington, US - As Adam Pierson, I send Kristin Gilles' Watcher,
Veronique Millet, away to watch Richie's house, on the pretense
that Kristen might show up there. Then I kill Kristin. The Watchers
think Duncan or Richie killed her.
(Chivalry, Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
Nov 1995
Washington, US - Joe throws a farewell party for Alexa. Two of his
bartenders, Mike and Lou, give her a satin negligee as a going-away
("Postcards from Alexa: Natural
Wonders"/ Evening at Joe's)
3 Nov 1995
Washington, US - Alexa and I begin our tour of the world. I want
to start our trip with a sunrise at the Grand Canyon (which I've
visited a dozen times over the years). After that we'll head to
Bourbon Street in New Orleans, go up the Atlantic Coast to Washington,
take in a little piece of West Virginia, collect our passports in
New York then fly off to see the wonders of Egypt. At least that
was the plan. The very first day a rainstorm strands us overnight
in the Coronet Hotel, so no Grand Canyon sunrise. However, it's
not a total disaster as that night Alexa and I make love for the
first time.
(Timeless, Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM,
"Postcards from Alexa: World Enough and Time"/Evening
at Joe's)

Alexa and I
4 Nov 1995
Canyon, US - We make it to the main gate of the Grand Canyon only
to be turned away by the Arizona State Police. Unbelievably, the
Canyon is closed because of a governmental shutdown! Instead,
we check in early at the Crow Canyon Bed & Breakfast in Flagstaff,
Arizona. I know the bed and breakfast owner, Mary Crow, through
her son Garrett, with whom I went to school 10 years ago.
had asked Mary to prepare the perfect marriage bed for us
a candlelit suite with a bed full of roses and that afternoon
we are married, not in the modern, legal way, but with a gold and
gemstone necklace for Alexa, an anointing of her body with Frankincense
and, finally, the ancient uniting of our bodies.
with single-minded determination, I head to town to prepare a surprise
for Alexa, not knowing how hurt she would be when she woke up and
found me gone. Mary gives Alexa a smoky-red quartz figurine
her contribution to the hope chest while she waits for my
("Postcards from Alexa: Natural
Wonders"/ Evening at Joe's)
5 Nov 1995
Arizona, US - I return to the bed and breakfast just after midnight
with newly bought stuffed backpacks. It's not like the government
can fence off the whole Grand Canyon, so we're going to hike in.
But again, my determination gets in the way it never occurs
to me that the thin mountain air, uphill climb and heavy backpack
would be too much for Alexa. We head back to the bed and breakfast.
next day I try calling everyone I know from local rangers
to an Undersecretary at the White House to see if someone
can get us into the canyon, but no luck. Garrett arrives that evening
and after hearing of our plight, takes us to a lookout over a gorge,
a holy place known to his people.
somehow guessing that I'm Immortal, asks me what the place was like
before when his people roamed the Painted Desert. We climb over
the railings to stand at the edge of the gorge and feel the ancient
winds for a moment. "That's what it felt like," I tell
leaves Alexa and I to spend the night overlooking the gorge. Alexa
still worries about whether our souls are truly married. I declare
my love for her, and she for me, and with the quartz figurine, we
exchange marriage vows, then make the canyon ours.
("Postcards from Alexa: Natural
Wonders"/ Evening at Joe's)
between Nov 1996 and Feb 1996
Italy - Alexa haggles with a 200-pound gondolier and has him cowed.
("Postcards from Alexa: Night in
Geneva"/Evening at Joe's)

The sunrise in Santorini, Greece
Feb 1996
Egypt - My world tour with Alexa is interupted when I run into another
Immortal. At midnight I go off to fight. The next morning we leave
Egypt for Jerusalem. We spend a week there then go to Athens. ("Postcards
from Alexa: Postcards from Athens"/Evening at Joe's)
10 Feb 1996
Washington, US - Duncan kills Annie Devlin. I drop by my home in
Paris and find a message from Duncan on my answering machine asking
about Immortals who have a grudge against Joe. I return the call
and tell Richie about a pattern of unexplained decapitations I had
been sorting out over the past few months.
(Scotland the Brave, Watcher Chronicles
25 Feb 1996
Washington, US - Duncan kills Coltec and receives a Dark Quickening.
(Something Wicked, Watcher Chronicles
1 March 1996
Greece - Joe calls to tell me about Duncan's Dark Quickening. I
leave Alexa, telling her that I have to go to France for a few days
on "business."
I'm gone, Alexa visits a collection of statuary at the Museum at
Olympia, lifesize portrayals of Greek citizens in the second millennium
BC, and finds one that looks just like me an ancient ancestor,
she thinks.
("Postcards from Alexa: Postcards
from Athens"/Evening at Joe's)
March 1996
Havre, France - I find Duncan and save him from an angry husband
with a shotgun whose wife he slept with. I tell you, what would
he do without me?

Mac and I
5 March 1996
France - Duncan kills Sean Burns while under the influence of the
Dark Quickening.
(Deliverance, Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
9 March 1996
Greece - I return to Alexa and find the photos she took at the Museum
at Olympia. When Alexa sees me with the photo of my statue, she
realizes that the resemblance is too close for it to be an ancestor.
I tell her of my immortality. ("Postcards
from Alexa: Postcards from Athens"/Evening at Joe's)
March 1996
France - I leave Alexa in a hospital in Geneva and return to Paris
to try and find the Methuselah Stone, the only thing that can save
her life. I fail and the Methuselah Stone is lost forever.
(Methuselah's Gift, Watcher Chronicles

Amanda and I
23 March 1996
France - The body of Nathan Stern, head of the Western Europe Watchers,
is found on a bridge near Nézy-sur-Seine, along with his
driver and three thugs hired by Daniel Geiger.
(Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
25 March 1996
France - Dan Geiger's body washes ashore around 20 miles from the
bridge where Stern and the others are found. He was shot twice,
but died from drowning and had a piece of crystal in his hand when
(Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
25 March 1996
Switzerland - I return to Sacré Coeur Hospital to find Alexa
near death. I annoint her with myrrh, climb into the bed and embrace
her in our last hours together. She dies that night. I consider
taking Alexa back to Santorini because she loved it there, but I
don't want her to be so far away from me, so I return to Paris and
bury her in Montparnasse cemetery.
("Postcards from Alexa: Night in
Geneva"/ Evening at Joe's, Through a Glass Darkly, Watcher
Chronicles CD-ROM)
3 April 1996
O'Hara, a personal secretary in the Western Europe Watchers, announces
her engagement to Monaco Area Supervisor Dennis Gaetan. They are
supposed to be married on 17 January 1997 (her birthday). Instead,
Jillian is soon killed by Immortal Jacob Galati.
(Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)

Marcus Constantine in the old days
12 April 1996
France - My regular poker game with Marcus Constantine and some
of his employees from the Musée National des Antiquités
is cancelled permanently when Constantine is beheaded by Avram Mordecai.
(Zealot, Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
May 1996
France - After almost 2000 years, I get involved in a married couple's
dispute at Duncan's behest and almost die for my efforts.
(Till Death)

Robert de Vallicourt and I
7 May 1996
France - David Shapiro, son of Watcher Director Jack Shapiro, is
placed on field work early due to a manpower shortage.
(Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
May 1996
France - The Watchers and Immortals go to war when Jacob Galati
kills David Shapiro.
(Judgment Day, Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
5 June 1996
France - Jack Shapiro kills Jacob Galati in retaliation for Galati
killing his son. I decide that it's the perfect time for a vacation
in Tibet.
(One Minute to Midnight, Watcher Chronicles

Joe and I
June 1996
writes the final entry for Galati in the Chronicles since Galati
didn't have his own Watcher.
(Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
June 1996
Watchers consider me Absent Without Leave (AWOL).
(Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
1 July 1996
new, democratically elected, Watcher Tribunal meets for the first
time to decide the fate of Jack Shapiro. They decide that the death
of his son is more than enough punishment and allow him to retire.
(Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
17 July 1996
France - The Watchers recommend that Dr. Amy Zoll, Marcus Constantine's
former Watcher, be put in charge of the Special Research Assignment:
Methos. She's allowed to continue researching Constantine since
both projects are considered cold files.
(Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
4 Aug 1996
Washington, US - I find MacLeod, Richie and Joe glued to the TV
in Joe's bar, carrying on about brotherhood, teamwork, and the Olympic
spirit. I tell them what the Olympics were really like.
("Pants"/Evening at Joe's)
20 Sept 1996
Washington, US - Richie kills William Culbraith soon after Culbraith
kills the Immortal posing as me.
(Messenger, Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
25 Sept 1996
Washington, US - Duncan kills former comrade-in-arms Ingrid Henning.
(Valkyrie, Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
31 Oct 1996
Washington, US - I try out for the Wheel of Time game show but I
don't make it to the finals because I guess that it was Tom Jones
and not Chubby Checker who popularized the twist.
(Comes a Horseman, Watcher Chronicles
1 Nov 1996
Washington, US - Joe's confronted (via e-mail) about knowing that
Adam is Methos. Joe assures them that I've changed since the Bronze
Age. He protests that I would have disappeared if he had turned
me in and says that now I won't mind being followed. (Yeah right,
(Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
7 Nov 1996
France - A special operations agent, assigned by Melanie Hind, follows
Duncan to our secret meeting in the Elysium church and overhears
me describing Cassandra's escape from the Horsemen. I should have
known that that "come alone" stuff never works.
(Revelation 6:8, Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)

Taking Silas' head
8 Nov 1996
France - Duncan kills Caspian.
(Revelation 6:8, Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
10 Nov 1996
France - Duncan kills Kronos and I kill Silas. Cassandra almost
kills me but nobody kills Cassandra. I return to Paris by train,
taking the flute Silas carved in the asylum with me, a final token
of our friendship.
(Revelation 6:8, Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM,
"Train From Bordeaux"/Evening at Joe's)
November 1996
France - Dr. Amy Zoll is assigned to sort out my "sick practical
joke." Addendums are added to many of the entries I made in the
Chronicles pointing out where the Watchers think I tampered with
the truth. I now have a field Watcher assigned to me, Timothy Wyatt
who, along with Dr. Zoll, is trying to track me down.
(Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
12 Nov 1996
Zoll postulates that Silas was my student and jokingly asks Joe
to ask me.
(Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
20 Nov 1996
Julia Harami speculates that Caspian may have been suffering from
mad cow disease caused by eating human brains, which would account
for his insanity. (Don't look at me. Why should I tell them anything?)
(Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
28 Nov 1996
Zoll makes a progress report on the attempt to identify the Horsemen's
other aliases by going through the Watchers' incomplete Chronicles
(the ones with no first death or final death information).
(Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
20 Dec 1996
Zoll writes the Watcher Tribunal pointing out that it is meaningless
to court martial Adam Pierson since he does not exist. And since
he already quit the Watchers, they can't throw him out. And taking
Methos' head would violate the new kinder, gentler approach the
Watchers are trying to take.
(Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
Dec 1996
dishonorably discharged from the Watchers in absentia.
(Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
3 Jan 1997
Zoll and Dr. Harami make a report on their research to date on references
to the Horsemen in myths and legends.
(Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
20 April 1997
France - Duncan kills Byron. Joe e-mails Dr. Zoll informing her
that Benjamin Adams was one of my aliases. (Hey, thanks a lot, Joe...
(Modern Prometheus, Watcher Chronicles
16 May 1997
France - Jason Landry suffers a stroke while trying to warn Duncan
about an ancient demon he must defeat.
(Archangel, Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)

Richie and I
18 May 1997
France - Allison Landry dies in a fire of suspicious origin.
(Archangel, Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
19 May 1997
France - Duncan is tricked into taking Richie's head by something
which claims to be an ancient demon.
(Archangel, Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
18 July 1997
Watcher Tribunal asks Joe to accept a part-time professorship at
the Watcher Academy and he agrees. Joe reports that Duncan sold
the dojo in Seacouver and disappeared. Joe starts an Investigative
Search Team to try and find him.
(Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
July 1997
Watchers sell Joe's Seacouver bar and use the money to buy Le Blues
Bar in Paris. Joe is transferred to Paris.
(Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
19 May 1998
France - Sophie Baines drowns in the Seine.
(Avatar, Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
28 Oct 1998
France - Joe's daughter Amy Brennan-Thomas witnesses Morgan Walker's
men murder a woman on his command.
(Indiscretions, Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)

Morgan Walker learns the hard way that I really can fight
30 Oct 1998
France - Morgan Walker can't take no for an answer, so I take his
(Indiscretions, Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
7 Nov 1998
France - Duncan kills Liam O'Rourke.
(Not to Be, Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
15 Nov 1998
daughter, Amy Brennan-Thomas, is reassigned to Research as an apprentice
to Dr. Zoll on the Methos project on the grounds that she doesn't
have the heart for field work. (Keeping it in the family, huh Joe?)
(Watcher Chronicles CD-ROM)
16 April 1999
York City, US - A Hyksos sword arrives at the Branson Collection
for a show on "The Hyksos: Conquerors of Egypt."
(Captive Soul)
22 April 1999
York City, US - The first of a series of ritual slayings begin.
Immortal (and insane) Hyksos Prince Khyan thinks the sacrifices
will help him to locate the Hyksos sword, which he believes holds
the spirit of his long-dead half-brother, King Apophis.
(Captive Soul)
29 April 1999
York City, US - More ritual slayings.
(Captive Soul)
5, 10, 14 and 16 May 1999
York City, US - More ritual slayings.
(Captive Soul)
17 May 1999
York City, US - After messing up the first time over 3000 years
ago, I finally take Khyan's head.
(Captive Soul)
Japan - On a TV in a bar, I see a special news report that Dr. Mina
Abadi from the Egyptian Museum has found a sarcophagus buried under
the waters of the Aswan High Dam. I recognize the scarab of swords
decorating the sarcophagus and realize that it's the Immortal Pharaoh
Djer whom I buried 5000 years ago.
(The Methos Chronicles, Flash animated

I was gasping because the soup was hot. I swear.
Egypt - In one of my less rational moments, I break open a case
in the Egyptian Museum to get at an ancient tablet. I end up getting
thrown in jail. At my request, Dr. Abadi comes to the jail and I
convince her to let me out and take me to see the Pharaoh Djer's
go to the museum's warehouse and open the sarcophagus. Sure enough,
Djer is there, and he's not pleased. I draw one of the scarab's
swords to finish him off, but Dr. Abadi not knowing why someone's
alive in the sarcophagus but apparently wanting him to live long
enough to explain himself hits me on the head with a vase.
By the time I get up again, Djer has drawn the other sword from
the scarab.
exchange lunges and parries. I manage to disarm Djer but again
again! Dr. Abadi interferes, calling for a guard who shoots
me in the arm. Djer escapes while I'm down.
(The Methos Chronicles, Flash animated

Some people have bad hair days. I have bad face days...
Dec 2002
France - MacLeod turns up on the doorstep to my new house to grill
me for info on the Watcher Sanctuary, a place where Immortals are
drugged, unconscious and hidden from the rest of the world so the
Watchers can ensure that the Game never ends. Joe, buddy, you guys
have really got to change that line about "observe and record,
but never interfere."
search for the Sanctuary is too successful he ends up in
it. Joe and I have to rescue him.

A rare moment MacLeod actually admits he needs my advice