Djer: In time, you too will tire of the power. In a moon,
you will take my head and begin your own journey, and I shall be
done with this world. But until then I will teach you what I know
so that what I have built will not die with me. I will be like a
father to you, and you, like a good son, will guard my reputation.

Methos: (voiceover) I yearned to pierce his body with a
thousand swords and shove his reputation down his blood-choked throat.
But of necessity, I held my tongue to bite with better venom.
Episode 7
[Present day. Methos is lying on a bed in the jail cell.]

Cell guard: Here is the man who destroyed the artifact.
Mina Abadi: Are you Adam Pierson?
Methos: Dr. Mina Abadi.
Mina Abadi: I'm here to find out how you know about the
scarab of swords.
Methos: Have you opened the sarcophagus?
Mina Abadi: No, not yet. But how do you know about it? Who
are you? I'm intrigued, Mr. Pierson.
Methos: If you take me to him, I can make you the world's
most famous Egyptologist.
Mina Abadi: Take you to who?
Methos: The Pharaoh Djer.
[Flashback to ancient Egypt.]
Methos: (voiceover) Day and night I lived with rage but
never showed it. It wouldn't have been revenge to kill him and give
him exactly what he wanted from me. So I dreamt up a far better
punishment and struck when the time was right.

[While the pharaoh is sleeping, Methos creeps up outside his window
and shoots a poison dart at him. Before he revives, Methos wraps
Djer's body in mummy bandages.]

Methos: This is for my wife, who was murdered at your command.
[Methos covers Djer's face with the bandage.]
Djer: Nooooo. You can't.
Methos: (voiceover) It was to be an eternity of suffering
for him, and the beginning of glory for me. The next morning I became
the new pharaoh of Egypt.

[Present day, at an archeological dig in Egypt.]
Guard: This area is restricted. You cannot be here.
Mina Abadi: I'm Dr. Abadi with the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
I received a permit this morning and this man is with me.

Episode 8
[Museum warehouse, modern Cairo.]
Guard: Open the gate, Dr. Abadi.
[The door rolls up displaying warehouse shelves full of artifacts.
Methos and Dr. Abadi enter and open the sarcophagus. Instead of
mummified remains, there's Djer's intact body.]

Mina Abadi: Oh, my God.
Methos: Djer. It's been a long time
Djer: Methos.
[Djer falls out of the sarcophagus.]
Methos: but I'm ready now to give you what you wanted.
Your punishment is at an end. Now you're just a liability.
[Methos draws a sword from the scarab. Dr. Abadi bonks him on the
head with a vase to stop him.]

Methos: Argh!
Mina Abadi: What on earth is going on?
[Methos drops to the ground, letting go of the sword.]
Djer: (moaning) Methos. Methos.
Mina Abadi: And how did you get in there?
Djer: (moaning) Methos. Methos.
[Djer draws the other sword from the scarab.]
Djer: (moaning) Methos. Methos.
Mina Abadi: What do you think you're doing?
[Methos gets up and picks up the sword again.]
Mina Abadi: What's wrong with you people?
[Methos and Djer swordfight.]

Mina Abadi: Guards!
Guard: Don't move or I'll shoot.
[Methos disarms Djer but before he can strike the beheading blow,
the guard shoots him in the arm.]
Methos: Argh!
Djer: May Anubis spare your life until I have the opportunity
to take it.
Mina Abadi: Stop the other one. He's getting away.
[Djer steps out of the warehouse to face a busy street.]
Methos: This is not good.
On-screen text: The Pharaoh Djer has escaped. End of Season