"I believe the phrase is: Do you mind if I borrowed your newspaper?"
Adam Pierson
Methos Chronicles
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Endgame DVD
From DVD Review:
Fans of the successful Highlander series will be happy to hear that
Buena Vista Home Entertainment is getting ready to release the DVD of
the latest feature in the series: Highlander: Endgame. Just released
theatrically on September 1st, this is one heck of a quick turnaround
to DVD... In truth, this should not be considered the 4th entry in the
movie series, as this actually ties in to the television show. But fans
should be pleased by this action-packed feature. In a final (oh really?)
battle against the immortals, Connor and Duncan join forces and confront
the powerful Highlander villain and his band of immortals in their last
chance to fight against the ultimate evil. (Note: that last description
should be read with a deep-throated beer-commercial voice for best effect.)
Directed by Douglas Aarniokowski, the film stars Christopher Lambert,
Adrian Paul, Bruce Payne, and Lisa Barbuscia. The disc will contain
a widescreen transfer, framed at the film's original aspect ratio of
1.85:1 and enhanced for 16x9 televisions. Audio is a Dolby Digital 5.1
Surround soundtrack. No special features have been announced yet.
Highlander: Endgame is scheduled for release on February 20th. It will
carry a suggested retail price of $32.99.
DVD Review later posted the following info on the special features:
Making Of
Deleted Footage
Disc One
- Feature (A-cut)
- Audio Commentary from the filmmakers
- Deleted Scenes
- Interactive Game “There Can Be Only One”
- Special Effects Before and After with Audio Commentary
- Easter Egg
- DVD-ROM Content
- Sneak Peeks
Disc Two
- Feature (B-cut)
- Behind the Scenes
- Featurette
- Easter Egg
- DVD-ROM content
Neither of the two versions of the film on the DVD is the director's
cut. That's being prepared as a separate DVD release, possibly for this
spring. Maybe they should just throw a bunch of raw footage on the DVD
and let fans edit their own cut!
Updated 15 January 2001

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