"I believe the phrase is: Do you mind if I borrowed your newspaper?"
Adam Pierson
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Queen of Swords lawsuit
In August 2000 the Hollywood Reporter wrote:
'Swords' in a legal duel; injunction sought
TORONTO Lawyers for a Los Angeles TV writer have filed an application
for a preliminary injunction to block the fall premiere of Paramount
Television's "Queen of Swords" .... TV writer Linda Lukens has asked
the Los Angeles Superior Court to block the TV series from airing in
September unless she is given a "created by" credit. [Lukens' lawyer]
said the upcoming Fireworks series originated from a script and treatment,
also titled "Queen of Swords," written by Lukens.
The folks at Highlander Fan Central contacted the series' producers right
away and were assured that filming is continuing in Spain and the producers
don't forsee any delay to the premiere of the series the week of October
On October 8 Steve Gorman of Reuters filed this report:
Judge sides with writer in 'Queen of Swords' duel
LOS ANGELES An aspiring screenwriter has won the first round
of a legal duel over the new TV show "Queen of Swords," which
she says was hijacked into syndication by Paramount Pictures two decades
after she first sold the idea to ABC.
A Los Angeles Superior Court judge Thursday ordered a halt to further
broadcasts of the hourlong action drama, about a swashbuckling masked
heroine, unless writer Linda Lukens receives a screen credit as the
creator of the show....
The writer claims both she and the executive producer for the series
[David Abramowitz] were represented by the same literary agency, the
Broder/Kurland Agency, which also is named in the lawsuit....
Besides having the same title, both Lukens' work and the Paramount-syndicated
TV show involve an avenging, masked aristocrat who, inspired by the
unjust death of her father, fights evil with the help and guidance of
a gypsy mystic, according to the lawsuit. Her work is set in colonial
New France; the series in Spanish colonial California.
A later blurb in the Hollywood Reporter said, "A studio representative
said the injunction would be stayed by Paramount's appeal of the ruling,
and production and distribution of episodes will not be disrupted."
Nevertheless, a few fans have reported that the show was pulled in their
Updated 8 October 2000

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